VeroTrace - Requirements and Life Cycle Traceability Tool

VeroTrace - Requirements and Life Cycle Traceability Tool

VeroTrace is a requirements traceability management tool providing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to a requirements traceability database that contains:

·         System requirements.

·         Software requirements.

·         High-level requirements.

·         Low-level requirements.

·         Names of the associated artifacts such as source code, design components, test procedures, functional test results, coverage results, and all review filenames that support all requirements.


The physical artifacts themselves are maintained separately in a Configuration Management (CM) system.


VeroTrace allows you to:

·         Add, modify, and delete requirements and their artifacts.

·         Query for requirements and artifacts.

·         Track the review state of each requirement and artifact (Not Ready, Ready for Review, Failed, Passed, and Signed).

·         Review requirements and artifacts online; extract artifacts for review from CM; record review comments in the traceability database; automatically generate review checklists (with help from VeroStyle); and check in checklists into CM.

·         Determine the overall status of a requirement; that is:

1.       Have all its related artifacts been entered?

2.       In what review state are its artifacts?

3.       How far along is the requirement within the life cycle processes?

·         Generate XML files for VeroStyle to convert into reports and metrics.


Click here for a tour of a portion of the VeroTrace user interface.  (Requires Adobe Flash Player.)


VeroTrace is also a life cycle traceability management tool that allows you to produce, manage, and deliver all the data that supports software certification/approval.  VeroTrace combines requirements; CM configured artifacts; and all reviews with auto-generated HTML traceability information creating what is, essentially, a local website that hyperlinks all life cycle traceability data.  In fact, VeroTrace first generates the traceability information entirely as XML files.  Its traceability generation procedures then convert all the XML traceability files to HTML files using XSL stylesheets so the traceability can be viewed with any browser.  Click here for more information about XML and XSL stylesheets in general.


This hyperlinked life cycle traceability data provides tremendous benefits:

·         Certification data is much easier to review for developer and auditor.

·         The tedium of manually producing and cross-referencing data is removed.  The life cycle data is inherently cross-referenced by its supporting hyperlinked traceability.  Also, hardcopy cross-references can be automatically generated as XML by VeroTrace and rendered into Microsoft Word documents by VeroStyle.

·         Results are more accurate because incorrect and missing reference links are automatically detected by qualifiable VeroTrace verification tools.

·         Capture all data on a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM for delivery, auditing, and storage.


An example of this amazingly powerful feature is available in this Life Cycle Traceability Demo.


Learn more about how VeroTrace operates.