VeroStyle – Renders Your XML Data into a Document

VeroStyle – Renders Your XML Data into a Document


In much the same way that a browser combines an XML datafile with an XSL stylesheet to render an HTML page with formatted XML data, VeroStylecombines XML data files with a document stylesheet to render (create) adocument with formatted XML data.  Clickhere to learn more about XML and XSL stylesheets, in general, and their analogyto VeroStyle.


The XML data generated by our VeroTrace tool is fundamental to the processes used by Verocel during its verification of safety critical software. 


XML data provides the basis of traceability between the artifacts of the certification evidence.  VeroStyle uses this same XML data to automatically generate many traceability artifacts including:


-   Functional test procedure templates.

-   Artifact review checklists.

-   Traceability metrics and tables.

-   System and Software Requirements Specification documents.


The document stylesheets and resulting documents can be plain text, RTF, or Microsoft Word formats.


VeroStyle not only transforms XML data into formatted documents, butit can “include” other documents and images into the resulting document.


This diagram shows VeroStyle’s process ofgenerating an output document:



Here are some small examples of XML data, stylesheets, and resulting documents:

·         SystemRequirement Specification

·         TestProcedure Template

·         TestProcedure Review Checklist