How VeroTrace Operates

How VeroTrace Operates


Using a database, VeroTrace captures or imports your project requirements and their associations with the software artifacts, along with attributes such as developer, reviewer, and more.


VeroTrace uses this information to generate files that form the basis of standardized test procedures and review checklists for requirement, design, code, test, and test results. 


VeroTrace makes capturing review data consistent, making the associated administrative tasks much less time consuming. 


In addition, VeroTrace can use the database records to generate XML files that can include specially-defined tags to identify the extracted data.  The sample below depicts a software requirement and some of its associated verification data, which would be automatically generated by VeroTrace from database records:






    Sound Alarm if Temp exceeds HLimit


  <requirementAuthor>George Romanski</requirementAuthor>

  <requirementReviewer>Jim Chelini</requirementReviewer>




Files generated by VeroTrace correspond to traceability information capturing the relationship between requirements and their descriptions, source code, tests, test results, review checklists, and so on. 


VeroTrace incorporates a number of prescribed XSL stylesheet templates, allowing the XML traceability files to be rendered as HTML for display using any browser.  These rendered views give developers, reviewers, or auditors the ability to inspect and navigate the data and its relationships. 


Forward traceability

is provided in hyperlinks from requirements to design, code, tests, test results, and all review checklists.

Backward traceability

is provided in hyperlinks from all design, code, tests, results, review checklists to requirements.

Sideways traceability

is provided in many forms.  Some examples:


1.       Tests to test review, results, and results review


2.       Design to design review, code, and requirement.


3.       Coverage results to review, code, requirement, and tests.


All of this data may be copied to CD-ROM or DVD-ROM and used as a means of storage, delivery, or audit.


Click here for a tour of a portion of the VeroTrace user interface.  (Requires Macromedia Flash Player.)