VeroStyle - System Requirement Specification Example

VeroStyle - System Requirement Specification Example


VeroTrace generates XML data for all System and Software Requirements stored in the traceability database. 


VeroStyle transforms this data into the main body of the System Requirement Specification and Software Requirement Specification documents.


Below is a small example of System Requirement XML data generated by VeroTrace and transformed by VeroStyle using the document stylesheet and a directive file [not shown] to produce this fragment of the System Requirement Specification.


VeroStyle usability:

  • Formatting in the stylesheet (e.g. the font size and style of the requirementNumber) is transferred to the XML data in the output document.
  • Paragraph styles may be user-defined to make subsequent document management easier.  For example, a Table of Contents may be automatically produced using a ‘requirement’ paragraph style.
  • VeroStyle reuses a part of the stylesheet for each occurrence of a given tag in the XML file.



XML Generated by VeroTrace:



  <requirement requirementNumber="SYS.1.1">

    <statement>The System shall accept commands which are supplied using an interactive operator interface.</statement>


  <requirement requirementNumber="SYS.1.1.1">

    <statement>The system shall be able to accept at least one character per second as typed by the operator.</statement>

    <notes>This time is for the actual characters typed, and does not take into account the delay caused while user prompts are output.</notes>





Document “Stylesheet”:










Resulting Document Produced by VeroStyle:



The System shall accept commands which are supplied using an interactive operator interface.



The system shall be able to accept at least one character per second as typed by the operator.



This time is for the actual characters typed, and does not take into account the delay caused while user prompts are output.